How Do We Remove Carbon Dioxide?

Planetors uses an environmental conservation method called Carbon Offsetting.

What are Carbon Offsets?

Carbon offsetting is the practice of removing carbon from the atmosphere or replacing carbon-emitting practices with carbon-neutral ones. These reductions are used to balance out or reverse emissions. Methods of carbon offsetting include renewable energy, like wind and solar farms, forest conservation, and proper waste management.

Why use Carbon Offsets?

Instead of reducing carbon emissions pound by pound as individuals, we pool our resources to fund large scale emissions reducing projects and remove thousands of tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each time.

The result is extreme efficiency. Large scale reductions are much more effective than individual action.

So how do I know Carbon Offsets are legit?

All our carbon offsets are verified by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The UNFCCC conducts several rounds of audits on our environmental projects. Some of our projects are even double checked by Third Party verifiers afterwards.

With every purchase, we will send you an electronic copy of your United Nations verified Carbon Reduction Certificate.